Linking a PICSWeb Officer to a Smart Assessor Record

Linking a PICSWeb Officer to a Smart Assessor Record

This feature is only available to users licensed for Smart Assessor Integration.

Before you can link officers to Smart Assessor, you will need to follow the instructions to Enable the Smart Assessor Integration in PICSWeb.

When you Enrol a Learner in Smart Assessor from PICSWeb, the Main Officer for the learner will also be uploaded, provided that they have a Smart Assessor ID set in PICSWeb. If this field is blank, no officer information will be exported.

To add this field to an officer, go to the Officer Summary and find the Other System ID field from the Officer Details section of the page.

Select the link to Look Up Smart Assessor ID. This will open a window listing all of your assessors that currently exist in Smart Assessor.

Once you have found the matching assessor, select Save. This will attach the Smart Assessor ID of the matching assessor to the PICSWeb officer. The next time a learner is enrolled with this officer linked, the Smart Assessor ID will be used to link the matching assessor in Smart Assessor.

The Other System ID will only update in PICS after looking up an assessor in Smart Assessor - if the ID changes in either system it will not be updated in the other.