Data Exchange in the PICSWeb ACE360 Integration

If you have Enabled the ACE360 Integration, data will be exchanged daily between the two systems. There are two main parts to this exchange:

  • When a Learner is Uploaded to ACE360 from PICSWeb, which creates a learner record in ACE360 with the necessary PICSWeb data. Some details for the organisation used in PICSWeb as the learner’s employer are also included.

  • The automatic synchronisation, where the ACE360 Status is downloaded for each uploaded learner. This process happens automatically every day. You can also manually download the status for an individual learner in their ACE360 Standard tab, or for all uploaded learners in the ACE360 Integration page in Integrations Configuration.

The following details are included in the Learner Upload:

Learner Details

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Apprenticeship Standard – This is the standard specified in the ACE360 Standard tab in the ILR Summary.

  • Date of Birth

  • Gender

  • Street – As there are only 3 lines for the address in ACE360, but 4 available in PICSWeb, these address field may combine address fields 1 and 2 or 3 and 4 in PICSWeb if necessary.

  • City – As there are only 3 lines for the address in ACE360, but 4 available in PICSWeb, these address field may combine address fields 1 and 2 or 3 and 4 in PICSWeb if necessary.

  • County – As there are only 3 lines for the address in ACE360, but 4 available in PICSWeb, these address field may combine address fields 1 and 2 or 3 and 4 in PICSWeb if necessary.

  • Postcode

  • Country – This will be defaulted to UK for all learners.

  • Telephone Number

  • Email

  • Estimated Start Date

  • Estimated End Date

  • Ethnicity

  • National Insurance Number

  • Unique Learner Number (ULN)

  • Funding – This will be set to True if the Funding Organisation for the learner is SFZZ. Any other value will set this field to False.

  • Has Additional Needs

  • Learning Support – This is taken from the Disability Self Assessment field in the ILR Learner tab.

Employer Details

All of these details will be taken from the Organisation record used in the most recent Employment Status in the learner record that has an Employer linked.

  • Employer Name

  • Employer Reference Number (ERN)

  • Employer Contact First Name – This is taken from the First Name field for the Officer linked as the Main Contact when Editing the Organisation.

  • Employer Contact Last Name – This is taken from the Surname field for the Officer linked as the Main Contact when Editing the Organisation.

  • Employer Contact Position – This is taken from the Job Title field for the Officer linked as the Main Contact when Editing the Organisation.

  • Employer Sector – This is linked to the organisation as a Provision, as explained in Configuring PICSWeb for the ACE360 Integration. Only one Employer Sector can be sent for each organisation.

  • Employer Company Size – This is taken from using the SEM and Employee Count fields in the Organisation Additional Details tab.

  • Employer Street – As there are only 3 lines for the address in ACE360, but 4 available in PICSWeb, these address field may combine address fields 1 and 2 or 3 and 4 in PICSWeb if necessary.

  • Employer City – As there are only 3 lines for the address in ACE360, but 4 available in PICSWeb, these address field may combine address fields 1 and 2 or 3 and 4 in PICSWeb if necessary.

  • Employer County – As there are only 3 lines for the address in ACE360, but 4 available in PICSWeb, these address field may combine address fields 1 and 2 or 3 and 4 in PICSWeb if necessary.

  • Postcode

  • Country – This will be defaulted to UK for all employers.

  • Employer Telephone Number

  • Employer Email