Desktop PICS Funding Reports in PICSWeb
Unlike Desktop PICS, the PICSWeb funding calculator generates only one Funding Calculator Report, with different calculations shown in different worksheets. This report contains details for all ILR funding, unlike Desktop PICS, which split between Employer Responsive (i.e. Adult) and Learner Responsive (i.e. Young Persons) calculations.
The table below lists each desktop funding report and explains both where it is found in PICSWeb (if it has been transferred over) and any differences between the two reports.
Desktop Report | Where in PICSWeb | Notes |
Employer Responsive - SFA Funding Summary |
Employer Responsive - SFA Funding Detail |
Employer Responsive - Calculation details | Various | The PICSWeb report contains a number of worksheets for calculation details for each of the Funding Methodologies used, for example FM35 Calc Dets and FM36 Calc Dets. The FM36 Calc Dets differs from Desktop’s Calculation Details report in that it now shows the calculation details for each Price Episode instance instead of each period to match better with the ESFA’s Indicative / Monthly Payment reports. |
Employer Responsive - Process Warnings | Process Warnings |
Employer Responsive - Occupancy |
Learner Responsive - “Summary” worksheet |
Learner Responsive - “FIS values” worksheet | Year To Date | The PICSWeb Year To Date worksheet will show the values earned by each learner in each period for the year. |
Learner Responsive - “Monthly values” worksheet | Does not exist | The PICSWeb funding calculation report does not spread earned FM25 funding over periods. Instead, it shows the period in which funding was actually earned within the Year To Date worksheet. |
Learner Responsive - “Calc details” worksheet | FM25 Study Prog Calc Dets | Although the formatting of the report has changed, the PICSWeb FM25 Study Prog Calc Dets worksheet retains the information from the Desktop Calc details worksheet. |
Learner Responsive - “Future factors” worksheet | Does not exist |