2. Creating Target Scope Items

Please ensure you have first read and understood the guidance on target creation.

Manually Creating Target Scope Items

Once a target has been created, a range of target scope items will need to be created in order to measure a candidates competency.

A target scope item covers knowledge, skills & behaviours of a standard. To manually create target scope items, we first need to open the relevant target. We can do this by accessing Delivery > Target where all current targets will be available.

Select the target where scope items are required to be added. Selecting the more actions icon (3 dots) and selecting Summary

From this page select Create Scope. A modal will appear where you will have to select the relevant type and title for your Scope item. The selections available will be listed as

  • Knowledge

  • Skills

  • Behaviours

  • Other

Selecting Save, you will then be asked detail this scope item further, including a detailed description of the Scope item you want to measure, as well as a number which dictates where this is placed in the list of scope items already created.

Selecting save will create the Scope item and the screen will present all current scope items included in this target.

Creating Target Scope Stages

Stages can be set against Target Scope Items, this allows you to track and record the learners competency through this particular item.

When selecting individual Scope Items, you’ll then be presented with the optional button Add Stage, selecting this will open a window where you can enter the Title and Value (out of 100) for the stage. Once you have finished, select Save to add the new stage or Cancel to discard it.

This can also be applied against multiple target scope items.

Amending Stages against a KSB

Accessing the summary for an individual Stage, done by selecting an individual KSB and selecting the more action icon (3 dots). This will bring up the summary for that KSB with all Stages assigned to this being visible.

Against each stage you’ll see the Stage title, the value assigned as well as the option to edit / delete individual stages

Importing KSB’s from Advanced Qualification Module

Please note that the Qualification Module is only available to customers utilising Smart Assessor with PICS. Please ensure that the Qualification Module has been integrated and enabled in your PICS Web Tennant to make use of this feature.

Once the integration with the Qualification Module is enabled, creating a new Target (under Configuration > Delivery > Targets) with a type of Apprenticeship standard will automatically import the KSBs for that standard, if the Standard can be located in the Qualification Module.


Once the target has been saved all KSB’s will be imported from the Qualification Module for that particular standard.

It is also possible to manually import KSBs into PICS Web if the Delivery Target already exists, or changes are made to the standard in the Qualification Module. To do this, select Import Knowledges, Skills and Behaviours from LXP on the Actions menu of the Target Scopes list.

Import Notes

  • Standards must be Imported and Published in the Qualification Module before they can be imported.

  • Where multiple published versions exist for the same standard code, only the latest version will be imported.

  • Knowledges, Skills and Behaviours are imported, but not Duties. Please be aware that criteria stored against KSB's are not imported.

  • We also update the Target Description (if not already set) using the Overview of the Role from Qualification Module.

  • When running a manual import for a Target which already has imported KSB's, we update each KSB title and code in PICS if it does not match the imported title and code. This is done by storing the Qualification Module ID for the KSB and matching this with downloaded KSB's during the import. This also means PICS does not create duplicates if a KSB is edited in the Qualification Module.