Editing ESF Supplement Items in PICSWeb
This area is only available to users with the ESF Contract Manager licence.
Creating a New Supplement Item, or selecting … > Edit by an existing one, will take you to the edit window for the item. Once you have made your changes, select Save to confirm them or Cancel to discard them.
The following details are displayed in the window but not available to edit:
Cost Type
Reference Type – This is the field that is used as the Reference for the item.
Staff Name – This will be shown if the Reference Type is set to Staff Name.
The following details may be shown and available to edit, depending on the type of supplement item:
Reference – This is the code used as the reference for the item. If the Reference Type has been set to Audit Adjustment, Authorised Claims, Employee ID, Invoice or Other, you will be able to edit this field.
Total Hours – This will be displayed and available to edit if the Reference Type has been set to Staff Name and the Cost Type has been set to Staff Full Time or Staff Part Time.
Hourly Rate – This will be displayed and available to edit if the Reference Type has been set to Staff Name and the Cost Type has been set to Staff Part Time.
Learning Delivery – This will be displayed and available to edit if the Reference Type has been set to LearnRefNumber. Here you can choose which ILR Learning Aim is linked to the item.
Project Hours – This will be displayed and available to edit if the Reference Type has been set to Apportioned Cost.
Organisation Hours – This will be displayed and available to edit if the Reference Type has been set to Apportioned Cost.
Supplementary Data Panel Date – This will be displayed and available to edit if the linked Contract is a Round 2 Contract, and the Deliverable Code is set to either ST01, RQ01, NR01, PG01, PG03, PG04 or PG05.
Value – This will be available to edit if the item was manually created and the Cost Type is not set to Unit Costs.
Effective Date – This will be available to edit if the item was manually created.
Provider Reference
Payment Claimed date
Payment Received date
Subcontractor Claimed date
Subcontractor Paid
Report to ESFA – If the item was manually created, you can choose here if it will be included in the ESF Export File to submit to the ESFA. Any items generated from the Funding Calculator will not be included in the export.