SMS Integration in PICSWeb

SMS Integration in PICSWeb

The PICSWeb SMS integration uses the Twilio service to allow you to send SMS messages to certain types of PICSWeb record if a mobile number is attached.

Guidance is available for sending text messages to the following record types:

Although SMS integration is available for all PICSWeb Users, you will need an account with Twilio and the necessary amount of credits before you can send any messages from PICSWeb. Guidance on the Twilio side of this process is available in Setting Up Twilio for the PICSWeb SMS Integration.

Selecting Integrations > SMS will open the SMS Integration Summary page. This page is made up of the following sections:

Integration Status

This section displays the following details:

  • Integration Enabled

  • From – This is the name that SMS messages sent from PICSWeb will be displayed as From.

  • Record in Communications – If this is set to Yes, any SMS messages sent will be logged as Communication Records.

  • Send Learners Calendar Reminders – If this is set to Yes, any learners with a mobile number attached to their record will be sent a reminder text the day before any Reviews.

Integration Information

This section explains how the integration works, with a link to Twilio.

Integration Settings

Please be aware when using Twilio in trial mode, you cannot send messages using an alphanumeric sender ID’s

Selecting Settings from the top-right corner of the page will open a window where you can edit the following settings:

  • Integration Enabled – You will need to switch this on before you can start sending SMS messages from PICSWeb.

  • AccountSID – This is a code provided by Twilio. You will need to enter this code before you can start sending SMS messages from PICSWeb. The Setting Up Twilio page explains where to find this.

  • AuthToken – This is a code provided by Twilio. You will need to enter this code before you can start sending SMS messages from PICSWeb. The Setting Up Twilio page explains where to find this.

  • From – This is the name that SMS messages sent from PICSWeb will be displayed as From.

  • Record in Communications – If this is switched on, any SMS messages sent will be logged as Communication Records.

  • Send Learners Calendar Reminders – If this is switched on, any learners with a mobile number attached to their record will be sent a reminder text the day before any Reviews.

After making any changes to these settings, select Save to confirm them or Cancel to discard them.