Learner Reviews in PICSWeb

In the PICSWeb learner record, you can view and record details for any reviews that occur across the learner's programme. Files attachments and other details can be attached to each review as necessary.

The learner record is also where you can Create New Reviews to either record past reviews or schedule future ones.

You can use Review Profiles in PICSWeb List and Type Configuration to automatically apply a custom schedule of reviews to new learners according to their Programme.

Review List

Review lists are also available for individual learners in the Delivery Plan and Portfolio sections of the learner record.

Selecting Learners > Additional Sections > Reviews from the side menu will open a list of all learner reviews in PICSWeb.

For each review in the list, the following details are shown:

  • Learner – Selecting this will take you to the corresponding Learner Summary.

  • Type

  • Proposed date and time

  • Attended Value

  • Actual date and time

  • Reviewer – Selecting this will take you to the Officer Summary for the officer responsible for the review.

  • Learner Signed – If a Learner Signature has been requested for the review, this column will indicate whether the signature has been completed.

  • Signatures – This shows how many Signatures have been requested and provided.

  • Audited – This shows the Audit Status of the review.

You can use the tickboxes by reviews to Bulk Update or bulk delete reviews. You will need to confirm before reviews are deleted.

Reviews in the Learner Calendar

Learner reviews are also shown for individual learners in the Calendar tab in their Learner Delivery Plan. Hovering over a review in the calendar will show the Name,Time, and Attendance value if known. Selecting the review will then open the Review Preview window explained below.

Review Preview

Selecting a review in the calendar will open a Review Preview window. This window displays any details that have been recorded for the review, with options for further actions, as explained below.


The following actions are available from the review preview.

  • Summary – Selecting Summary will take you to the corresponding Review Summary page.

  • Edit – Selecting Summary > Edit will open a window where you can Edit the Review.

  • Delete – Selecting Summary > Delete will remove the review. You will be prompted to confirm before the review is deleted.

  • Close – Selecting Close will return you to the Learner Calendar.