Including User Defined Form (UDF) Fields in PICSWeb Reports

Including User Defined Form (UDF) Fields in PICSWeb Reports

If you have set up User Defined Forms for a record type, you can include these form fields in report outputs for that record type. The following reports can display UDF fields:

To include a field in a report, the form will need to be available for the corresponding record type. For example, the Organisations Report can only include fields from UDFs that are available to organisation records.

To set up the form, Edit the UDF and enter a Unique Field Name for each field that you want to include. This name cannot be used in any other user defined form fields. Once you have entered a name, select Done to save the field. Remember to Save the form after you have added all the necessary names to fields.

When you run one of the reports above, any UDF fields that are available for the record type and have a Unique Field Name will be available at the bottom of the Optional Fields tab, along with their unique field name. Use the tickboxes as normal to include or exclude UDF fields from the report output.

When you run the report, the spreadsheet will feature each ticked UDF field in a new column.

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