Using Qualification Types in PICSWeb Reports

If you want to report on a specific group of qualifications, you can use the User Type field in Qualification Configuration to identify your group for reporting.

Setting User Types

You will need Database Administrator User Permissions to configure qualifications.

To set the user type field for your qualifications, select Delivery > Qualifications from the Configuration section of the side menu to open the Qualification List.

In here, use the filters to locate the qualifications that you want to group, then use the tickboxes to the left of the list to highlight each qualification.

This will display a button to Update All ticked qualifications. Select this to open the Edit Qualifications window. In here, tick Add Types to activate this field and add one of the 10 User Type fields. Select Save to add this type to all ticked qualifications.

Reporting on Qualifications by User Type

Now that the necessary qualifications have been configured with a User Type label, you can use that label to identify all matching qualifications across your learner records for reporting.

A field for Qualification Types is available in Report Templates that include learner qualifications or ILR aims. In this field, add your chosen User Type to restrict the report to qualifications which have the same user type set in qualification configuration.