Creating a New WebForm in PICSWeb Configuration

Creating a New WebForm in PICSWeb Configuration

This page explains how to create a completely new WebForm, rather than creating a New Instance for an existing WebForm.

Selecting Create in the WebForm List will open a window where you can enter the following details for the new form:

  • Title

  • Form Type – The different types available here are explained in WebForm Types.

  • Form File – Here you can upload the Word Document File Template the form. This file will be used to define the design and layout of the form in the Form Builder. You can either drag and drop the file into the box or select the box to browse for the file. 

  • Import Form – If you are recreating an old FCA form in PICSWeb, you can select it from this drop-down menu to copy over the import fields from the FCA form to the new form. This process is explained in Transferring an FCA Form to WebForms.

Once you have entered the necessary details, select Save. This will add the new WebForm to the WebForm List and take you to the Form Builder, where you can attach the necessary question and signature fields to the file template.


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