WebForm List in PICSWeb Configuration

WebForm List in PICSWeb Configuration

Selecting Forms > WebForms from the Configuration section of the side menu will open the WebForm Designer page. The WebForm list displays all the forms that you have built in PICSWeb. To see a list of form instances currently being processed, you will instead need to visit the Form Capture page.

The sign up form list displays any forms that match the filters set above the list. For each form, the following details are shown:

  • Title

  • Form Type – This indicates whether the form is for a LearnerApplicant or Review.

  • Version – If a form has been redesigned, a new version is created for the new design with the old version set to Retired. The number here indicates which version of the form is currently in use, with 1 being the original version.

  • Status – This indicates whether the form is Live or Retired.

Filtering the List

The following searching and filtering options are available by default above the list. Once you have entered the necessary details, press Enter or select the  icon to run the search and apply your filters.

  • Include Retired – Ticking this box will include retired forms.

  • Number of records – Here you can use the drop-down menu to choose how many results are displayed per page.

Exporting the List

Selecting More shows an option to Export to Excel. Selecting this will generate an Excel Spreadsheet containing the details currently displayed in the list.

WebForm Actions

Selecting Create from the top-right corner of the list will open a window where you can Create a New WebForm. You will need to have already created your File Template before you can create the form in PICSWeb.

Selecting the ... icon by a form in the list will open a menu with the following options:

  • Create Instance – This will open the New Instance page for the form. Once you have created the new instance, it will be added to the Form List in PICSWeb Form Capture. A form will only be available to have an instance created if it contains at least one Signature field.

  • Clone and Retire – This will create a new version of the form that is available to edit. The previous version will have its status set to Retired, and will not be available for any new instances. Selecting this will open a window where you will need to confirm that you want to make a duplicate of the chosen form. Selecting Yes will save a copy of the form and take you to the Form Builder page for the new form.

  • Edit – This will open the Form Builder page where you can make any necessary changes. You will not be able to edit a form that already has Instances created. You will instead need to Clone and Retire the form as explained above.

  • Preview – This will open the Form Preview where you can view the form as it would appear to whoever was filling it out.

  • Delete – You will be prompted to confirm that you want to delete the form.

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