Recording Session Attendance in PICSWeb

Recording Session Attendance in PICSWeb

If you are looking for instructions on completing registers for your course tutors, more direct guidance can be found in Completing Course Registers in PICSWeb.

There are several different ways to access attendance recording for a session:

  • Select ... > Edit Attendance from a session in the Session List.

  • Selecting ... > Edit Attendance from a session in the Sessions tab of a Course Summary.

  • Selecting Edit Attendance in the Attendance tab of a Session Summary.

  • Selecting ... > Edit Attendance for an individual enrolment in the Enrolments tab of a Course Summary. Unlike the above options, this will allow you to record attendance for multiple sessions linked to one enrolment.

Each of these will open the Edit Attendance window as shown below.


To record attendance, first use the tickboxes to choose which records you want to apply an attendance value to. The tickbox at the top of the window can be used to select all records.

If the actual amount of Guided Learning Hours (GLH) is different to the amount set for the session, you can enter the actual values for ticked records in the Override GLH fields. If this field is left blank, the amount set for the session will be used.

If you have set up any custom Session Flags, you can choose one to apply using the Flag drop-down menu.

Select the arrow icon next to Present to choose which attendance value you want to apply. Attendance values are maintained in Custom Attendance Values Configuration.

Select the attendance value in the blue button to apply the value. A message will appear in the window to confirm that the attendance has been updated. The ticked records will have the chosen value added to their Attendance Value column.

Repeat the process for any records that you want to apply different attendance values to.