Attendance in the PICSWeb Session Summary

Attendance in the PICSWeb Session Summary

The Attendance tab in the Session Summary lists the attendance recorded for each learner or applicant Enrolled onto the course. For each enrolment, the following details are shown:

  • Enrolee name

  • Enrolment ID

  • Actual Guided Learning Hours (GLH) – This shows the hours actually recorded, rather than those set as the session GLH. The session GLH are shown in the Session Details section at the left-hand side of the Session Summary.

  • Attendance Value – These can be maintained in Custom Attendance Value Configuration.

  • Notes

Filtering the Attendance List

The only available filtering option here is the Number of Records Displayed drop-down menu. Once you have made your choice, press Enter or select the Search icon to run the search and apply your filters.

Exporting the Attendance List

Selecting More also shows an option to Export to Excel. Selecting this will generate an Excel Spreadsheet containing the details currently displayed in the list.

Attendance Actions

Selecting Actions > Edit Attendance will open the Attendance Recording window.

Selecting Actions > Create OTJ Hours will open a window where you can Generate Off-the-Job Hour Records from the GLH information.

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