Course Timetables in PICSWeb

Course Timetables in PICSWeb

PICSWeb can be used to generate timetables based on Course Session data for a variety of purposes. These timetables are in the form of Excel Spreadsheets, which can be re-formatted and printed by your organisation as necessary. The following types of timetable are available:

  • Course Instance – This is accessed from the Sessions tab in the Course Summary. This timetable displays every session for a particular course instance.

  • Room – This is accessed from the Sessions tab in the Room Summary. This timetable displays every session taking place in a particular room.

  • Learner – This is accessed from the Courses tab in the Learner Delivery Plan. This timetable displays every session for courses that the learner is enrolled on.

  • Applicant – This is accessed from the Courses tab in the Applicant Summary. This timetable displays every session for courses that the applicant is enrolled on.

From each of the four locations above, you can generate the timetable by selecting the Timetable button above the list.

This will open a window where you can specify the date range for the timetable using the From and To date selectors. The range will be set between the current day and one year in the future by default.

Once you have set the range, select Download to generate and save the timetable.

The timetable is generated according the the following formatting rules:

  • Each row in the timetable will contain the sessions for a particular day. Any days that do not have a session will be excluded.

  • Each column in the timetable represents a 5-minute slot. The earliest hour will be the earliest hour for all the sessions in the spreadsheet, and the latest hour will be the latest hour of all end times for sessions in the timetable. All hours between are included.

  • The timetable will not display clashes between overlapping sessions. Instead, the later of the two overlapping sessions will be displayed once the first session has ended. If the later session is completely covered by the earlier one, it will be indicated with a single 5-minute column after the earlier session.

  • For timetables that display sessions from multiple course types, each course type will have a common colour for all the sessions, with a key available at the end of the spreadsheet.

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