Automations in the PICS Workflow Transition Summary
This section is only available if you have the Workflows licence. Please Get in Touch if you are interested in using this feature.
The Transition Automations tab in the Workflow Transition Summary lists any automations that have been set up for the transition. If an automation is set up, all records that meet the specified conditions will automatically undertake the transition. Like all automations, this process is performed to all matching records every day at 5am.
As Validation and Actions are applied to both automated and manual transitions, it is possible for an automated transition to fail if it doesn’t meet the validation.
For each automation, the following details are shown:
Filtering the Automation List
The following searching and filtering options are available by default above the list. Once you have entered the necessary details, press Enter or select the Search icon to run the search and apply your filters.
Number of Records Displayed
Exporting the Automation List
Selecting More shows an option to Export to Excel. Selecting this will generate an Excel Spreadsheet containing the details currently displayed in the list.
Creating a New Automation
To set up a new automation, select Create. This will open a window where you can enter the following details:
Failure Tag – If the transition fails Validation, you can choose a tag to be applied to the record here.
Fail on Warning – If this is ticked, transitions that flag validation warnings will fail, rather than only transitions that flag validation errors.
Schedule Type – Here you can specify the schedule for reminder emails. The following schedule types are available:
Days of the Week – With this option, you can use the tickboxes to choose which days of the week you want the automation to run.
Days of the Month – With this option, you can use the tickboxes to choose which months of the year and which days of each selected month you want the automation to run.
Filters – Here you can set up filters to restrict which records will be included in the automation. Depending on whether the workflow is for Learners, Applicants, Organisations, Opportunities, Appointments or Tasks, different filtering opportunities will be shown here, based on the selection filters for the Report Template for each record type. If you do not add any filters here, every record on the relevant status will be included in the automation.
Once you have set up your filters, select Save to add the automation. It will then begin to run at 5am on the next valid date.
Automation Actions
Selecting … by an automation will show the following options:
Edit – This will open the window explained above for you to edit any details entered when creating the automation.
Delete – You will be prompted to confirm before the automation is deleted.