Targets in PICSWeb Configuration

Targets in PICSWeb Configuration

A Delivery Target can be added to a learner to specify how their programme will be delivered. A target is made up of two sections:

  • Scope – Each scope item represents one of the Knowledge, Skill, and Behaviour elements that the learner is required to obtain in their programme. Target Scans can be set up and performed in PICSWeb to assess the learner’s current level and progression for each scope item.

  • Delivery Model – The delivery model contains all of the Components that will make up the learner’s delivery. Components can be created for assessments, courses, reviews and more, and scheduled to take place at different points throughout the learner journey.

When used together in a target, scope and delivery models are a powerful tool for automating parts of the learner Delivery Plan and ensuring that your tutors, assessors and learners stay aware of their programme structure.

The pages in this section explain how to set up your targets in PICSWeb basedata, ready to be linked to your learner records.

In This Section