Recipients and Responses in the PICSWeb Survey Summary

Recipients and Responses in the PICSWeb Survey Summary

The Recipients and Responses tab in the Survey Summary shows any records who have had the survey sent to them, either Manually or through an Automated Process.

For each recipient, the following details are shown:

  • Recipient – Selecting this will open the corresponding contact summary. If the recipient used the anonymous response link, they will be shown as Anonymous Recipient here.

  • Created date – This is the date the request to complete the survey was originally sent out.

  • Last Modified date

  • Completed

Filtering the List

The options to search the list by Has Completed and Recipient Type and filter by Number of Records are available from above the list. Once you have entered the necessary details, press Enter or select the Search icon to run the search and apply your filters.

Along with these, additional fields can be added by selecting More. Choosing a field will add it to the top bar, where it works like the filters explained above. The following fields are available:

  • Created date

  • Completed date

Exporting the List

Selecting More also shows an option to Export to Excel. Selecting this will generate an Excel Spreadsheet containing the details currently displayed in the list.

Response Details

Selecting … > Details by a Completed response in the list will open a window where you can view the responses in full.


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