Adding Questions to a Survey in PICSWeb Configuration

Adding Questions to a Survey in PICSWeb Configuration

Selecting Edit Questions from the Preview tab in the Survey Summary will open the survey designer page, where you can add and edit the questions that make up the survey.

Once you have finished adding and editing questions, the following options are available:

  • Save – This will save your changes.

  • Preview – This will open the Survey Preview.

  • Close Without Saving – This will return you to the Survey Summary without saving.

Adding Questions

To add a new question, select one of the question type buttons from the right-hand side of the page. These control which formats are accepted for the submitted answers. The following types are available:

  • Long Text

  • Short Text

  • Date

  • Time

  • Single Select – This allows the recipient to select one answer out of a predefined set of options.

  • Multiple Select – This allows the recipient to select multiple answers out of a predefined set of options.

  • Money

  • Number

  • Information/Content – This is used only to display information or media to the recipient.

Selecting a question will add it to the bottom of the survey, where you can move and edit it as necessary.

Editing Questions

Hovering over a question will show the following options:

  • Edit – This will open the edit window for the question as explained below.

  • Copy – This will add a copy of the question field to the bottom of the survey.

  • Delete – You will be prompted to confirm before a question is deleted.

You can also drag and drop questions to rearrange them in the survey.

Editing a question will open the window shown below, where you can amend the following details for the question. Once you are finished, select Done to confirm your changes.

  • Title – This is the question that will be shown to the recipient.

  • Help Tooltip – This is used to offer any necessary additional guidance for the question.

  • Required Field – If this is ticked, the recipient will not be able to submit the survey if this question is left blank.

  • Required Message – If you have ticked Required Field, here you can enter the error message that will be shown if the recipient tried to submit the survey without completing the question.

  • Minimum – Depending on the question type, here you can specify either a minimum numerical value, minimum answer length, or minimum number of options selected that must be met before the survey can be submitted.

  • Minimum Message – If you have entered a Minimum value, here you can enter the error message that will be shown if the recipient tried to submit the survey without meeting the minimum.

  • Maximum – Depending on the question type, here you can specify either a maximum numerical value, maximum answer length, or maximum number of options selected that must not be exceeded for the survey to be submitted.

  • Maximum Message – If you have entered a Maximum value, here you can enter the error message that will be shown if the recipient tried to submit the survey having exceeded the maximum.

If you are editing a Single Select or Multiple Select field, you will also be able to edit the available Answers. Each answer will have a Code, used for internal reporting, and a Description, which will be displayed to the recipient.

Select Add Answer to add a new option and the bin icon to remove an answer.

If you are editing an Information/Content field, the only options available will be Title and Content, which contains some formatting and embedding options.


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