WebForm Email Templates in PICSWeb Configuration
If you are still using email templates in Desktop PICS, the templates managed in PICSWeb are completely separate. If templates have been entered in both systems, the ones in PICSWeb will be used.
In PICSWeb List and Type Configuration, you can customise the appearance of the automated emails sent out to those involved with the WebForm.
Selecting Lists and Types > Forms > Email Templates from the side menu will open a page showing any templates that have already been set up.
Selecting Edit will open a window where you can customise your templates. The following options are available:
Logo – Here you can upload an image that will be used in any emails sent for WebForms.
Signature Request – Here you can create a template for the emails sent when a Remote Signature is required.
Signature Reminder – Here you can create a template for the emails sent as a Signature Reminder for remote signatories.
Form Completed – Here you can create a template for the email sent to the Form Owner when the last signature has been collected.
Auto Approved – Here you can create a template for the email sent to the Form Owner when a form is automatically approved.
Rejected – Here you can create a template for the email sent to the Form Owner when a form is rejected.
Saved Unsigned – Here you can create a template for the email sent to a Remote Signatory who has started the form, saved it, but not yet signed and submitted it.
Each template field has various formatting tools to customise any text you enter. You can also copy and paste images and other formatting elements from a webpage into each field.