Creating Contact Logins for PICSWeb Officers

Creating Contact Logins for PICSWeb Officers

This feature is only available to customers who are licensed for specific products, including PICSWeb Surveys and PICSWeb Portfolio.

You can generate login credentials for an external contact from their Officer Summary. These logins can then be used to access PICSWeb Portfolio for Employers, where they can provide evidence, log reviews, complete target scans and more.

Before creating a login, the following details will need to be checked:

  • The Role of Contact will need to be added in the Edit Window.

  • An Email Address will need to be added in the Edit Window. Once you have created the account, updating the officer’s email address in their record will automatically update the email they use to log in.

  • A login must not already exist for the officer.

To do this, go to the Officer Details section in the Officer Summary and find the Contact Username. If no login has been generated yet, select the button to Create Login for Contact.

Selecting this will open a window where the checks above are confirmed. Select Create to continue.

You will then be shown a confirmation message with the Username and Password for the contact. Make a note of these details to provide to the contact.

The contact will then be able to log in to PICSWeb using these credentials. The contact’s Username will now be displayed in the Officer Details.

Setting Up Relationships for Contact Users

Once a login has been set up for the contact, you will need to create Relationships in PICSWeb between them and the learners that they need to access in PICSWeb Portfolio. This should be done by creating a Custom Relationship Type in PICSWeb List and Type Configuration. The relationship should be From Learners and To Contacts.

You can then go to the necessary learners' Officer tabs in their Learner Summaries and add a new officer with your custom relationship type.

Finally, go to the Portfolio tab in Learner Sections Configuration and choose which learners will be displayed for the contact. Two settings are available:

  • Show Learners at Contact’s Main Organisation – If this is set to Yes, all learners linked to a contact’s main organisation will be available in the contact login’s learner list.

  • Show Learners With Relationship – If this is set to Yes, all learners with a Relationship to a contact will be available in the contact login’s learner list.