Editing User Defined Form Values in PICSWeb

Editing User Defined Form Values in PICSWeb

This page covers completing individual UDF instances.

Editing fields for the form is done in the User Defined Form Builder. Editing form details is explained in Editing User Defined Forms.

If a User Defined Form (UDF) has been set up for a certain record type, you can edit the form values for any individual records of that type. To do this:

First find out where the UDF is located in the record. Viewing and editing locations is explained in User Defined Form Locations. In the example below, the location is specified as ILR Programme End, referring to the Episode End tab in a learner ILR Summary. If the location is set as Summary Additional Forms, the UDF will have its own dedicated Additional Forms tab in the record summary.

Once you have found out the location, open the relevant record summary and go to the specified tab. Any UDF values that have already been filled in for the record will be displayed here, though if the form has not been filled in at all then no UDF values will be visible yet.

Select Edit in this tab to view the full list of values that can be added in this part of the record. Any UDF values will be displayed at the bottom of the list and indicated with a icon.

Make any changes to the form values that you need and select Save to apply them. Any completed UDF fields will now be displayed in the tab, though you may need to Refresh the page before they are shown.

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