ILR Details in the PICSWeb Contract Summary

The ILR tab in the Contract Summary shows any ILR Form values that will be populated with default values when a New Learner is linked to the contract. Any defaults that have been set up already will be shown in the tab.

Selecting the grey Edit button will open a window where you can add new default values and edit existing ones. The following values are available:


  • Subcontractor Aim UKPRN

  • Provider Defined Learner Monitoring â€“ Here you can specify up to two monitoring codes to apply to the learner.

  • Provider Defined Learning Delivery Monitoring â€“ Here you can specify up to two monitoring codes to apply to the learner.

  • Contract Reference Number - Required for ESF and Skills Bootcamps funding and will be applied to each aim for the learner. Ensure the correct number and format are used.

  • Include in ILR Exports – If this is switched on, learners linked to this contract will be included in the file generated by the ILR Exporter, provided that the contract is not excluded from the export when it is run.

Once you have made your changes, select Save to confirm them or Cancel to discard them.