Elements in the PICSWeb Qualification Plan Summary

Elements in the PICSWeb Qualification Plan Summary

The Elements tab in the Qualification Plan Summary shows the Qualifications and Units that make up the qualification plan. For each element, the following details are shown:

  • Element Code and Title – Selecting this will take you to the corresponding Qualification Summary or Unit Summary.

  • Status – This indicates whether the element is Live or Dormant.

Filtering the Element List

The options to search the list by Title and Reference Code and filter by Number of Records are available from above the list. Once you have entered the necessary details, press Enter or select the Search icon to run the search and apply your filters.

Exporting the Element List

Selecting More shows an option to Export to Excel. Selecting this will generate an Excel Spreadsheet containing the details currently displayed in the list.

Qualification Elements

Adding a New Qualification

Selecting Add Qualification from the top-right corner of the page will open a window where you can choose a new qualification to add to the qualification plan. You will need to choose the Type, which specifies the role that the qualification will have in the learner's programme. The following types are available:

  • Main Aim

  • Technical Certificate

  • Subsidiary Aim (Funded)

  • Optional

  • Non Funded

  • 14-19 Diploma

  • Non Funding Body (Tracking Only) – These qualifications are only for internal monitoring and will not be included on an ILR export. 

You can search for the relevant qualification using the search bar at the top of the Qualification drop-down menu.

Once you have finished, select Save to add the new qualification to the plan or Cancel to discard it. 

Editing a Qualification

Selecting ... > Edit by a qualification element will open a window where you can add further details that specify how the qualification will be delivered as part of the learner's programme. The following details are available:

  • Type – The different types are outlined above.

  • Start Offset – This controls how long after the learner's start date that the qualification's start date occurs. You can use the field to enter a number and the drop-down menu to specify the unit of time.

  • Duration – This controls the amount of time between the qualification start and expected end dates. You can use the field to enter a number and the drop-down menu to specify the unit of time.

  • Qualification Weight – This is the percentage of the learner's overall progress that is derived from the qualification. This will affect the size of segment afforded to the qualification in the chart in the learner's Progress Breakdown tab. The weight must be entered as a value between 0 and 100.

  • Report to Funding Organisation – This controls whether the qualification will be included in ILR exports or other funding submissions.

  • Source of Funding

  • Funding and Monitoring (FAM) Learning Delivery Monitoring (LDM) – Here you can specify up to two FAM LDM codes to be applied to the qualification.

  • Provider Monitoring – Here you can enter up to four provider monitoring codes to be applied to the qualification.

  • Full/Co-Funding Indicator – Here you can specify whether the qualification will be Fully Funded or Co-Funded.

  • Delivery Location – Here you can use the drop-down menu to specify which at which Organisation the qualification will be delivered.

  • Funding Proportion – This is the percentage of funding that will be allocated to the qualification. This must be entered as a value between 0 and 100.

  • Subcontractor – If the qualification is being delivered as part of a subcontracting arrangement, you can use the drop-down menu to choose which Subcontractor Organisation is delivering the qualification.

  • Funding and Monitoring (FAM) Devolved Area Monitoring (DAM) – Here you can specify up to 6 FAM DAM codes to be applied to the qualification. In keeping with the DAM specification, these will need to be 3 characters long.

Once you have made your changes, select Save to apply them or Cancel to discard them.

Unit Elements

Adding a New Unit

Before you add a unit to a qualification plan it must already be added to a qualification that is in the plan. To do this, go to the relevant Qualification Summary and select Link Existing Unit in the Units tab. 

Once this has been done, selecting ... > Add Unit by a qualification in the plan will open a window where you can browse for available units to add.


Once you have finished, select Save to add the new unit to the plan or Cancel to discard it. 

Editing a Unit Element

Selecting ... > Edit by a unit element will open a window where you can add further details that specify how the unit will be delivered as part of the learner's programme. The following details are available:

  • Start Offset – This controls how long after the learner's start date that the unit's start date occurs. You can use the field to enter a number and the drop-down menu to specify the unit of time.

  • Duration – This controls the amount of time between the unit start and expected end dates. You can use the field to enter a number and the drop-down menu to specify the unit of time.

  • Include Learning Outcomes – If this is toggled to on, the learning outcomes attached to the unit will be added to the learner. The Outcomes tab in the Unit Summary shows any learning outcomes that are attached to the unit.

Once you have made your changes, select Save to apply them or Cancel to discard them.

Element Actions

The following actions are also available from the Elements tab:

  • Details – Selecting ... > Details by a qualification or unit in the list will open a window showing any details recorded in the edit window, as explained above.

  • Delete – Selecting ... > Delete by a qualification or unit in the list will remove it from the qualification plan. The qualification or unit will still be available in PICSWeb basedata. You will be asked to confirm before you remove the record.

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