Progress Breakdown in the PICSWeb Learner Delivery Plan

Progress Breakdown in the PICSWeb Learner Delivery Plan

The Progress Breakdown tab in the Learner Delivery Plan provides a quick overview of the learner’s progress through their programme. The following five criteria are used to judge the learner’s progress. Hovering over each segment of the Progression bars will display the exact percentages represented by each segment.

  • Time on Programme – This shows the percentage progress of the learner towards their Planned End Date. If this date has passed, a red segment will indicate how Overdue the learner is.

  • Qualifications Progress – This shows the percentages of the learner’s Qualifications that are Completed, Overdue, Not Started or Withdrawn. The target icon here shows the expected level of progress at this point in the duration of the learner’s programme.

  • Target/Skill Scan Competency Distance Travelled – This shows the learner’s overall progress from the results of their initial Target Scan to complete competency. The target icon here shows the expected level of progress at this point in the duration of the learner’s programme.

  • Components Progress – This shows the percentages of the learner’s Delivery Model Components that are Completed, Overdue, Not Started or Withdrawn.

  • Reviews – This shows the percentages of the learner’s Reviews that are Completed, Overdue, Not Started or Withdrawn.

The chart on the right of the page compares the overall progression of each of these five criteria.


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