Sign Up Forms and Opportunities in PICS

Sign Up Forms and Opportunities in PICS

There are several ways to integrate your sign up forms with Opportunities, meaning that any potential leads from form submissions can be efficiently tracked in your system.

Creating Opportunities from Form Submissions

When designing your custom sign up forms for applicants or employers, it is now possible to set up the form so that an opportunity record is created automatically when the form is submitted. The opportunity record that is created will be linked to the new applicant or employer record.

To do this, go to the Form Edit page for the relevant form. In the Sign Up Form Settings section, choose the type of opportunity that you want to create from the Create Opportunity drop-down menu.

Linking Applicants to Existing Opportunities

This feature is only available for Applicant sign up forms. As opportunities can only be linked to one employer, you should use the above process for employer sign-ups.

It is also possible to add an Opportunity ID to the Public URL for a sign up form when sending the URL out in order to link the new applicant to an existing opportunity record.

To obtain the Public URL for a form, go to the Form Edit page, go to the Sign Up Form Settings section and select Copy URL. While in this section, make sure that the Create Opportunity field is set to No. If the form has been set up to create a new opportunity, this will take precedent over the form being linked to an existing opportunity.

When you send the URL out, it must be done in the format:

[PublicURL]?Opportunity=[Opportunity ID]

For example, when sending out a form with the Public URL: 


You can instead send out:


When the form is submitted and a new applicant created, it will be linked to the opportunity with the ID code of 17.