ILR Codes Used in PICSWeb QAR Calculations
This page shows a list of the main ILR codes used in QAR reporting.
This information is accurate as of 08/04/2022.
Aim Type
1 | Programme aim |
3 | Component learning aim within a programme |
4 | Learning aim that is not part of a programme |
5 | Core aim - (16 to 19 (excluding Apprenticeships) funded learning aims only) |
Programme Type
2 | Advanced Level Apprenticeship |
3 | Intermediate Level Apprenticeship |
20 | Higher Apprenticeship - level 4 |
21 | Higher Apprenticeship - level 5 |
22 | Higher Apprenticeship - level 6 |
23 | Higher Apprenticeship - level 7+ |
24 | Traineeship |
25 | Apprenticeship standard |
30 | T Level transition programme |
31 | T Level programme |
32 | Skills Bootcamps |
33 | Combined Authorities |
Funding Model
10 | Community Learning |
25 | 16-19 (excluding Apprenticeships) |
35 | Adult skills |
36 | Apprenticeships (from 1 May 2017) |
37 | Skills Bootcamps |
70 | ESF |
81 | Other Adult |
82 | Other 16-19 |
99 | Non-funded (No ESFA funding for this learning aim) |
Completion Status
1 | The learner is continuing or intending to continue the learning activities leading to the learning aim |
2 | The learner has completed the learning activities leading to the learning aim |
3 | The learner has withdrawn from the learning activities leading to the learning aim |
6 | Learner has temporarily withdrawn from the aim due to an agreed break in learning |
1 | Achieved |
2 | Partial achievement |
3 | No achievement |
8 | Learning activities are complete but the outcome is not yet known |
Withdrawal Reason
2 | Learner has transferred to another provider |
3 | Learner injury / illness |
7 | Learner has transferred between providers due to intervention by or with the written agreement of the ESFA |
28 | OLASS learner withdrawn due to circumstances outside the providers' control |
29 | Learner has been made redundant |
40 | Learner has transferred to a new learning aim with the same provider |
41 | Learner has transferred to another provider to undertake learning that meets a specific government strategy |
42 | Academic failure/left in bad standing/not permitted to progress - HE learning aims only |
43 | Financial reasons |
44 | Other personal reasons |
45 | Written off after lapse of time - HE learning aims only |
46 | Exclusion |
47 | Learner has transferred to another provider due to merger |
48 | Industry placement learner has withdrawn due to circumstances outside the providers’ control |
97 | Other |
98 | Reason not known |
Destination & Progression Outcomes
EDU | 1 | Traineeship |
EDU | 2 | Apprenticeship |
EDU | 3 | Supported Internship |
EDU | 4 | Other FE* (Full-time) |
EDU | 5 | Other FE* (Part-time) |
EDU | 6 | HE |
EDU | 7-8 | Unassigned |
EMP | 1 | In paid employment for 16 hours or more per week |
EMP | 2 | In paid employment for less than 16 hours per week |
EMP | 4 | Self-employed for 16 hours or more per week |
EMP | 5 | Self-employed for less than 16 hours per week |