Requesting Evidence in PICSWeb Portfolio
This section is only available if you have the eAssessor licence for PICSWeb Portfolio.
This process will only work if the learner has a PICSWeb Portfolio Learner Account.
If you need a learner to upload a piece of evidence, you can request it from them through PICSWeb. This is done by creating an evidence record with no file attached. The learner can then locate the record and upload the evidence file to it.
To do this, go to the Evidence tab in their Delivery Plan and select Actions > Request Evidence. In this window you can enter the following details:
Due date – Select this field to open a calendar day selector.
Select Save to progress to the Create Evidence wizard. As no file has been uploaded yet, the only step available here will be to set the Evidence Links for the record.
Select Next to finish the request.
The learner will receive a Message letting them know that the evidence has been requested.
Requesting a New Evidence Version
If you want to request a new version of an existing piece of evidence, you will need to go to the most recent version in the Evidence Summary and select Request from Learner underneath Next Version.
This option will not be available if the evidence Assessment Status has already been set to Approved.
In this window you can enter the following details:
Due date – Select this field to open a calendar day selector.
Select Save to send the request. The learner will receive a Message letting them know that the new version has been requested.