Interactive Reports in PICSWeb

Interactive Reports in PICSWeb

Some Report Templates in PICSWeb can be generated as an Interactive Report. Rather than the spreadsheet output, the interactive report is a dashboard-style report within PICSWeb that can be adjusted and formatted in real time.

The Interactive QAR Report works slightly differently to the other interactive reports. The linked help page outlines the differences.

Running Interactive Reports

To run an interactive report, find the appropriate Report Template and select … > Interactive Report. The report will then be generated and open when finished. You will also be emailed as normal when the report is ready to view, with the report in the Available Reports tab.

Any interactive reports will be shown in the list with the Output Type set to Interactive. The View Report link in the Report column will take you to the interactive report, as explained below.

Report Design Options

Once you open the interactive report, you will need to choose your design options and select Update Chart before the report is displayed. Once you have generated the chart, you can continue to change options and update as you please.

The following options are available:

Chart Type

These icons control which type of chart is used to display report data. Depending on the report type, different display options may be more appropriate. The following chart types are available:

  • Bar chart

  • Pie chart

  • Doughnut chart

  • Line chart

  • Area chart

  • Table

Column Analysis Field

Here you can choose which of the report outputs you want to use to analyse the data. For example, if you choose Offer Date in the example report shown below, each bar in the chart will show the offers made for each different date.

Row Analysis Field

Like Column Analysis, here you can choose which of the report outputs you want to use to analyse the data in the reports rows, For example, Expected End in the example report shown below, the report table will look at learners reporting their expected end against their programme.

Please note that Row Analysis Fields are only available in the Interactive Report Table Type


Analysis Method

This controls what method is used to measure the results for each Analysis Column. In the example above, choosing Count displays the offers made in each column as a numerical value.

Report Filters

This sections lists the report outputs that you are not using as the Analysis Column. For each output, you can filter the report to only include items with certain output values.

The options here depend on which Report Template you are using for the interactive report. Further explanation on the outputs available can be found in the help pages for the individual templates.

Using the Interactive Report

Once you have configured your display options, you can view and interact with the report. Hovering over a bar or segment in the report will show the exact number or percentage represented by the bar or segment.

Selecting a bar or segment will open a window listing each individual item included. Selecting the Ident will open the corresponding record summary.


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