WebForm Workflow in PICSWeb

WebForm Workflow in PICSWeb

The Processing WebForms page explains which processing actions are available in each location.

The workflow below shows the available transitions between statuses for your WebForms instances. Each status is shown in a rectangle, with the necessary status transitions in the circles. Hovering over a status in the diagram will display further explanation for that status.

When you Create a New Instance of a WebForm, it will begin with the status set to Live. You can then fill and sign the form as necessary before either Submitting (if no remote filling or signing is required) or Sending for Remote Signatures.

Some transitions can be performed from the menu by a form in the WebForm List, but for the rest you will need to go to the WebForm Summary and use the blue status drop-down menu.

From then, the form will be progressed through the workflow until it is Deleted or reaches Imported status, where the form data will be imported into your PICSWeb records.

Workflow for Local WebForms

The diagram below shows the status workflows for WebForms that will be filled and signed by Form Capture Users in PICSWeb.

Workflow for Remote Fill and Sign

The diagram below shows the status workflows for WebForms that will be filled and signed remotely.


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