PICSWeb Tiles

This page is set to your PICSWeb Home page by default. If the Tiles link in the side menu is not available, select Home to access this page.

Selecting Tiles from the side menu will take you to the PICSWeb Tiles page. This page displays links to the core sections of PICSWeb and displays relevant notifications.

The following sections are shown. Selecting a box will take you to the corresponding record list, with filters applied to reflect the link.

  • Tasks â€“ This shows how many Tasks are linked to your user account with a Due Date set to today or earlier.

  • Appointments â€“ This shows how many Appointments are scheduled for your user account today.

  • Reports â€“ This shows how many Reports you have generated in the last 7 days, all of which will be available in the Report Downloads tab.

  • Course Sessions â€“ This shows how many Course Sessions which have you set as the Tutor are scheduled for today.

  • Applicants â€“ This shows how many Applicants have been added in the last 2 weeks across PICSWeb.

  • Learners â€“ This shows how many Learners have been added in the last 2 weeks across PICSWeb.

  • Invalid Learners â€“ This shows how many learners are set as In-learning but have failed Validation.

  • Officers â€“ This shows how many Officers have been added in the last 2 weeks across PICSWeb.

  • Organisations â€“ This shows how many Organisations have been added in the last 2 weeks across PICSWeb.

  • Opportunities â€“ This shows how many Opportunities have been added in the last 2 weeks across PICSWeb.

  • Vacancies – This shows how many Vacancies have been added in the last 2 weeks across PICSWeb.

  • Vacancy Applications – This shows how many Vacancy Applications have been added in the last 2 weeks across PICSWeb.