Viewing Dashboards in PICS
This feature is only available to customers with the eDashboard or SaaS Silver and above licence.
Selecting … > View by a dashboard in the Dashboard List will open up that dashboard for you to view or edit.
If you are viewing a dashboard that has been shared with you, you will need to run the Saved Reports that the dashboard is based on for the widgets to load.
Dashboards are made up of different widgets, each based on an Interactive Report. Selecting Add Widget in a dashboard will open a window where you can Add a New Widget.
Be aware that if a widget takes too long to load, it may fail to appear on the dashboard. You will instead be shown a timeout error message.
Dashboard Permissions
Permissions to view dashboards work on a widget-by-widget basis - if you have the User Permissions to view the type of record that is being reported on in the widget, it will be available to you to view.
For example, in the screenshot below, the user does not have the View Applicants permission, so they cannot view the widgets based on the Applicants Report.
Setting a Dashboard as your Homepage
You can select the house icon at the top-left of the page to set the current dashboard as your Home Page in PICS.
Once the page has been set, you will be shown the confirmation message above. The next time you use PICS, you will be taken to this dashboard after Logging In.
Dashboard Options
These options are only available if you have Database Administrator User Permissions.
Selecting Edit will open a window where you can edit the following details for the current dashboard. Once you have made your changes, select Save to confirm them or Cancel to discard them.
Sharing – If this is set to Private, the dashboard will only be available to your user account. If this is set to Shared, all other PICS accounts will be able to view and edit the dashboard, once they have run the reports that the dashboard is based on.
Widget Options
These options are only available if you have Database Administrator User Permissions.
The following options are available for each widget:
Edit – Selecting this will open a window where you can Edit the Widget.
Delete – Selecting this will remove the widget from the dashboard.
Options – Select this icon to download the report informing the widget in SVG, PNG or CSV format.
Layout Options
These options are only available if you have Database Administrator User Permissions.
You can drag a widget to reposition in, and use the arrow icon in the bottom-right corner of a widget to resize it. Once you have made any changes to the dashboard layout, select Save Layout to confirm your changes.