Adding Widgets to a Dashboard in PICS

Adding Widgets to a Dashboard in PICS

This feature is only available to customers with the eDashboard or SaaS Silver and above licence.

These functions are only available if you have Database Administrator User Permissions.

Selecting Add Widget when Viewing a Dashboard will open a window where you can add a new widget to the dashboard. All widgets are based on an Interactive Report template in PICS. They can either be generated from scratch when you open the dashboard, or populated from a recently run Saved Report.

In the first window, choose which Report Template you want to use for the widget. Select Next once you have made your choice.

If you are creating a widget based on the Qualification and Achievement Rates report template, you will only be able to choose Use a saved report for this widget in the Widget Type field, as explained below.

You will then need to choose the Widget Type. The following options are available:

New Widget

Choosing Set up the widget now will create a new widget from scratch. After selecting Next you will be able to customise the report according to the usual interactive report options.

Once you have customised the report, select Save to add the new widget to the dashboard. You can then adjust the format and layout of your widgets when Viewing the Dashboard.

Creating a Widget from a Saved Report

Choosing Use a saved report for this widget will allow you to populate the widget with the data from the most recent running of a Saved Report. You will only be able to choose saved reports that meet the following conditions:

  • The report is based on the Template chosen in the previous window.

  • The Output Type was set to Interactive for Dashboard in the Save and Schedule window when the report was saved.

  • The report has been run at least once.

After selecting Next you will be able to customise the report according to the usual interactive report options.

Once you have customised the report, select Save to add the new widget to the dashboard. If the saved report is run on a Schedule, the widget will automatically update to show the data from the most recent time the report has been run.

You can then adjust the format and layout of your widgets when Viewing the Dashboard.