Apprenticeship Prices in the PICSWeb Qualification Plan Summary

Apprenticeship Prices in the PICSWeb Qualification Plan Summary

The Apprenticeship Prices tab in the Qualification Plan Summary shows the default financial details that you want to apply to learners on the plan. These values will inform the Total Negotiated Prices and Payment Records tabs in the learner’s ILR Summary.


The page is split into three sections, for Training, Assessment and Additional Employer prices. For each type of cost, the following values are listed:

  • Total Negotiated Price

  • Employer Contribution – If the programme is funded by co-investment, the total employer contribution will be displayed here.

  • Lump Sum – This indicates the value of the initial lump sum paid by the employer.

  • Lump Sum At – This indicates how far into the learner’s programme the lump sum will be paid.

  • Remaining At – This indicates how frequently installments of the remaining employer contribution will be paid (after the lump sum payment).

  • Remaining Over – This indicates how many installments the remaining employer contribution will be spread over (after the lump sum payment).

The value of each employer contribution installment will be calculated using the Remaining At and Remaining Over values to ensure an even split between each installment.

Editing Apprenticeship Prices

Selecting Edit in this tab will open a window where you can edit the values explained above. Once you have made your changes, select Save to confirm them or Cancel to discard them.


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