Learner Off-the-Job Hours Import Specification in PICSWeb
Instructions on using this specification to create an import file are available in Uploading a New Import File.
A CSV/XLSX file import can be used to bulk import and update Off-the-Job Hours data from other data sources. The table below shows what types of import are available for Off-the-Job hours.
Supported Options |
CSV file format accepted | |
XLSX file format accepted | |
User Defined Fields supported |
Record Handling |
Single record in file | Record added direct to database |
Multiple records in file | Records added direct to database |
For the import to work, the file must be in the following format. If no data is found for the mandatory columns, no records will be imported. Any records that cannot be imported will be reported back to the user.
The importer looks for matching OTJ Hours records in PICS using the derived Episode Ident, Start Date, and Start Time. Any matches found in PICS will be updated with data from the import file.
Column Name | Required? | Format | Example | Notes |
ULIN | Yes | As per ILR | PICS12345678 | Learner Reference Number as on the ILR. This is used in combination with the StartDateTime to derive a PICS Episode Ident. |
StartDateTime | Yes | dd/mm/yyyy hh:nn | 30/10/2019 11:30 | Session start date and time |
PlannedHours | This or DurationHours | Numeric | 2.25 | Planned duration of the session in hours and fraction of an hour. For example, 2.25 = 2 hours an 15 minutes. |
DurationHours | This or PlannedHours | Numeric | 1.5 | Duration of the session in hours and fraction of an hour. For example, 1.5 = 1 hours 30 minutes. |
ContactType |
| String | Portfolio Development | You must specify the Code or Description of an entry in the Contact Hours Types list |
RecordedBy |
| String | Apprentice, Employer or blank | If the word Apprentice is found, it will be categorised as being recorded by the Learner so that approval can be completed in eAssessor. If the word Employer is found it will be categorised as being recorded by the Employer so that approval can be completed in eAssessor. |
Notes |
| String | Any other notes |
Example Data File
The file below is an example of a valid OTJ import CSV.