Redirecting FCA PICS Soap Service using IIS

FCA can respond to HTTP Redirect codes configured through IIS (or web.config).

HTTP Redirect is a specific feature in IIS

Example of redirect settings

Redirects are handled at the start of the FCA's connectivity tests, if a 301, 302 or 307 status code is returned from the web service then the FCA client will attempt to redirect to the new destination. 

Destination must be a path without a document (so do not include PICSWebService.svc).

Status code 302 and 307 (Temporary) instructs FCA to start using the new destination, but it will be forgotten when the FCA closes. 

Status code 301 (Permanent) instructs FCA to start using the new destination, and to update it's persistent URL settings.

Because redirection is handled at the folder level (as opposed to a document) a redirect can simply be a Virtual Folder with a Redirect configured in IIS (so folder containing only a web.config).

When deploying redirects it is recommended to use a Temporary redirect for a few days to ensure the new Destination is correct before making it permanent. 

Also ensure that the customer's hosted copy of PICS has the following config settings: