Creating Hosting Accounts

Creating Hosting Accounts

When setting up a hosting account, you must use an email address linked to an individual staff member, rather than an address which can be accessed by multiple staff members. 

The use of shared emails is in violation of our Security and Licensing Agreement and puts the account at risk of malicious activity.

Make sure that you are also entering a genuine email address and not a domain address (e.g., name@domain.local)

To set up hosting accounts, you will need to create two accounts and link them together:

To create and link these accounts, you will need to log in to both Hosting and PICS with an existing account with /wiki/spaces/POH/pages/277348452. The process is then as follows:

1. Log in to your hosting portal and go to the Manage Users page. 

2. Select Add New User. Enter the following details:

  • Username
  • Forenames
  • Surname
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Supervisor – If this is ticked, the user will have access to supervisor features in the portal, such as Managing Users and company details.
  • Desktop User – This option is available if you have implemented a /wiki/spaces/POH/pages/1319501825. If this is ticked, the user will be able to access desktop PICS through the hosting portal.
  • Two Factor Authentication Methods
  • User Groups

3. Select Save Changes to save the new user. Make a note of the Username generated.

4. Open PICS and go the login screen. Select Tools > User and Password Maintenance from the toolbar and enter your login details.

5. In /wiki/spaces/POH/pages/277151889, select New User and complete the /wiki/spaces/POH/pages/277348452 as appropriate. Make sure that the following have been set:

  • The Username is the user's full Hosting login name, including your company domain suffix.
  • The account is linked to a PICS Officer record.

6. Add the /wiki/spaces/POH/pages/277217386 and select Back to PICS to finish.

We recommend that you then ask the user to login to hosting and PICS to check that the accounts are working.

New User Emails

By default, your system will be configured to send out an email to new users once their account has been created. The new user will be provided with a temporary password and a link to login to the portal, where they can then change the password. The temporary password will expire in ten days, after which you will have to Reset the Password and send the new one to the user.

If you would like to stop using user emails, contact your PICS administrator, who can get in touch with us to turn them off. Once turned off, when you create a user a window showing the temporary password will be shown instead.

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