Creating a New IQA Sample in PICSWeb Portfolio

Creating a New IQA Sample in PICSWeb Portfolio

This section is only available if you are licensed to use PICSWeb Portfolio and have the View and Edit IQA Interactions User Permissions set.

Selecting Create from the top-right corner of the IQA Sample List will open a window where you can enter the following details for the new sample:

  • Title

  • Training Adviser – Here you can restrict the possible evidence files to include in the sample to those linked to learners with a specific Officer recorded as Training Adviser.

  • Main Qualification Aim – Here you can restrict the possible evidence files to include in the sample to those linked to learners with a specific Qualification as their Main Aim.

Leaving either the Training Adviser or Main Qualification Aim fields blank will mean that all different learners will be available.

Once you have made your changes, select Save to add the new sample or Cancel to discard it. After saving, you will be taken to the Sample Summary, where you can begin to Add Items to the Sample.

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