Creating a New Learner (Classic) in PICSWeb

Creating a New Learner (Classic) in PICSWeb

There is an Improved New Learner Process now available in PICSWeb, where you can create a learner much quicker and do not have to enter all the required data in one go. You can access this by selecting Actions > Create from the learner list.

If you have any problems with the new process, you can still use the process explained in this page. Please Get in Touch with us to report any problems with the new process.

We expect to remove the old new learner process in early February 2022.

If you have already created an Applicant Record for the learner, you can create a new learner record from the applicant with the necessary details copied over. This process is explained in Transferring an Applicant to a Learner Record in PICSWeb.

Selecting Actions > Create (classic) in the Learner List will open a series of windows where you can create a new learner. After each window, select Continue to progress to the next or Cancel to discard the learner. A Find Field box is available in the top-right corner to search for details. 

Personal Details

In the first window, you can enter the following details:

  • First Name

  • Surname

  • Sex

  • Date of Birth – Selecting this field will open a calendar date selector.

  • National Insurance Number

  • Learner Reference Number – Switching on Auto Generate will have a unique reference number generated for you. Alternatively, you can switch this off and enter your own code in the field.

  • LRS Unique Learner Number – If you are licensed to use the LRS Integration, you can look this up after creating the learner in their LRS tab.

  • Start Date – Selecting this field will open a calendar date selector.

  • Contract – A search bar is available at the top of the drop-down menu.

  • Qualification Plan – A search bar is available at the top of the drop-down menu. The Qualification Plan defaults the qualifications and other delivery elements as well as certain ILR details. Maintaining plans is explained in Qualification Plans in PICSWeb Configuration.

  • Programme Type – If there is no appropriate qualification plan for the learner, you can instead choose a Programme Type in this field.

Learner Matching

After selecting Continue on the first window, PICSWeb will check for any matching learners to avoid duplicates being entered. The following fields are used to identify potential matches:

  • Learner Reference Number (LRN)

  • Unique Learner Number (ULN) – Matching ULNs will only be counted if they are not both blank or 9999999999

  • National Insurance Number

  • Date of Birth, First Name and either Surname or Previous Surname – All three of these will have to match for the learner to be identified as a matching record.

If matches are found for any of these four, they will be shown in a list in the window.

From here, you have three options:

  • If the match is correct, and you want to create a new episode for the matching learner, tick the correct match and select Continue.

  • If the match is correct, but you do not want to create a new episode for the matching learner, select Cancel.

  • If the match is incorrect, switch the toggle to Matching Learners to remove the matches from the window. You can then continue to create the new learner as normal.

Programme Details

The next window is made up of four tabs. Certain details here will be derived from the Qualification Plan that you have chosen, depending on which details you have added to the plan. Any defaulted values can still be edited.

Programme Tab

In this tab, you can enter the following details:

  • Site – If the learner's delivery will be limited to one Site, you can specify that here. The learner record can then only be accessed by users with the appropriate Site Permissions.

  • Apprenticeship Contract Type (ACT) – Here you can specify whether the learner is funded by an Apprenticeship Contract with Levy Employer (1L), Apprenticeship Contract with Non-Levy Employer (1N) or a Contract for Services with the SFA (2).

  • Planned Hours – Here you can record the total planned Off-the-Job Training hours for the programme.

  • Restarted Programme (RES) – Here you can indicate whether the learner is restarting this programme.

  • Eligibility for Enhanced Funding (EEF)

  • End Point Assessment (EPA) Organisation – Here you can choose from the drop-down menu for an Organisation to link as the EPA organisation. Only organisations with the Role of EPA organisation set.

  • Main Qualification – Here you can search for the relevant Qualification from the drop-down menu.

  • Apprenticeship Standard

  • Delivery Location Postcode Source – Here you can specify which record should be used to populate the Delivery Location Postcode field.

  • Learning Expected End – Selecting this field will open a calendar date selector.

  • Programme Expected End – Selecting this field will open a calendar date selector.

  • Subcontractor – If you are subcontracting the delivery of this learner’s programme to another provider, here you can search for an Organisation with the Subcontractor role to link.

  • Consortium

Apprenticeship Costs Tab

In this tab, you can enter the following details for both Training and Assessment costs if necessary:

  • Total Negotiated Price

  • Employer Contribution

The section controls how payments are scheduled over the course of the learner's programme. The Lump Sum value refers to the value of the initial payment, which you can schedule relative to the learner's programme start. The Remaining Every fields control the frequency of all remaining payments, and how many payments the rest of the cost is split up into.

Employment Tab

In this tab, you can enter the following details:

  • Employment Status

  • Employment Status Date – Selecting this field will open a calendar date selector.

  • Employer – This field is only available if the status indicates that the learner is employed. Here you can search for the Organisation from the drop-down menu that is the learner's employer.

  • Employment Intensity – This field is only available if the status indicates that the learner is employed.

  • Employment Length – This field is only available if the status indicates that the learner is employed.

  • Self Employment Indicator – This field is only available if the status indicates that the learner is employed.

  • Small Employer – This field is only available if the status indicates that the learner is employed.

  • Unemployment Length – This field is only available if the status indicates that the learner is unemployed.

  • Previous Education Indicator

  • Benefits Status

These values can be specified for both the learner's Status Prior to Enrolment as well as their Status Change On or After Start.

Learner Tab

In this tab, you can enter the following details:

  • Tags – Here you can search for Tags to attach to the learner. You can add multiple tags in this field.

  • Title – A search bar is available at the top of the drop-down menu.

  • Ethnicity – A search bar is available at the top of the drop-down menu.

  • Telephone number

  • Mobile number

  • Email Address

  • Address – Four address fields are available.

  • Postcode

  • Postcode Prior to Enrolment

  • Prior Attainment level – A search bar is available at the top of the drop-down menu.

  • Disability Self Assessment – A search bar is available at the top of the drop-down menu.

  • Learner with Learning Difficulties and/or Disabilities (LLDDs) – A search bar is available at the top of the drop-down menu. You can add multiple LLDDs to this field.

  • Primary LLDD – You will be shown an error message if you try to save the record with an LLDD in this field that has not been named in the field above.

  • Allowed Contact Methods – A search bar is available at the bottom of the menu. Once you have added a contact method, you can select the X next to it to remove it again. 

  • Preferred Contact Method – A search bar is available at the top of the menu. You will be shown an error message if you try to save the record with a contact method in this field that has not been named as an Allowed Contact Method.

After this, the following options are available:

  • Save – This will save the learner and take you to the staff details window where you can add further details. This window is explained below.

  • Save and Close – This will save the learner and return you to the Learner List.

  • Cancel – This will discard the learner without saving.

Delivery and Staff Details and User Defined Fields

If you have chosen Save, you can add the following details in the window. Once you have finished, select Save to return to the Learner List or Cancel to discard the changes made in this window, though any changes made in earlier stages will be kept.

In this window, you can use the drop-down menus and search bars to link the learner to Officer records to represent different staff roles. The following roles are available:

  • Main Assessor

  • Internal Quality Assurance (IQA)

  • Placement Adviser

  • Careers Adviser

  • Mentor

This tab also contains any fields from User Defined Forms set up to capture new learner data. User defined fields are indicated with a  icon.