Signature List in PICSWeb

Signature List in PICSWeb

This section is only available if you have the eAssessor licence for PICSWeb Portfolio.

Selecting the Signatures box in either the Home Screen or Caseload will take you to the Signatures needing your attention list. This list shows any signatures which are required from you in order to approve Evidence Files or Reviews.

For each signature, the following details are shown:

  • Type

  • Details

  • Requested date and time

Filtering the Signature List

The option to search the signature list by Subject and filter by Number of Records displayed are available above the list. Once you have entered the necessary details, press Enter or select the Search icon to run the search and apply your filters.

Exporting the Signature List

Selecting More shows an option to Export to Excel. Selecting this will generate an Excel Spreadsheet containing the details currently displayed in the list.

Signature Actions

Selecting … > Preview by a signature in the list will open the Signature Preview, where you can complete the signature and view related details.

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