Messages in PICSWeb Portfolio

Messages in PICSWeb Portfolio

This section is only available if you have the eAssessor licence for PICSWeb Portfolio.

The Messages page in PICSWeb shows a list of all message sent to and from your linked Officer record. The page is made of two tabs, Inbox and Sent Items. Use the icons to move between the two tabs.

For each message, the following details are shown:

  • Attachments – If any files are attached to the message, you will be able to download them from this column.

  • From/To

  • Subject – Selecting this will open the message preview as explained below.

  • Sent date and time

Filtering the Message List

The option to search the message list by Subject and filter by Number of Records displayed are available above both message lists. Once you have entered the necessary details, press Enter or select the Search icon to run the search and apply your filters.

Message Preview

Selecting the Subject of a message will open the message preview window. This window displays the From/To record and Sent date and time along with the message content.

Details will also be shown for any records that the message concerns, such as the Evidence File in the screenshot below. Select Close in this window to return to the message list.


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