Programme End in the PICSWeb Participant Programme Summary

The guidance in this page is only for customers using PICS for Employability.

The Programme End tab in the Participant Programme Summary shows various details relating to the end of the participant’s programme.

If the participant is still On Programme, the fields in this tab will not be available. Instead, only the End Now button will be shown.

Selecting End Now will open the Edit Programme End details explained below. After saving these details, the participant’s Programme Status will change to Ended and the end fields will be added to this tab.

If the participant’s Programme Status is Ended, the following details are available, but will only appear in the tab if information has been recorded for them:

  • Actual End date

  • Provider End Code

  • Provider Destination

Editing Programme End Information

Selecting Edit will open a window where you can edit the following details:

  • Actual End date – Selecting this field will open a calendar date selector.

  • Provider End Code – This is a provider-defined field displaying your custom values.

  • Provider Destination – This is a provider-defined field displaying your custom values.

Once you have finished, select Save to confirm your changes or Cancel to discard them.