Programme Start in the PICSWeb Participant Programme Summary
The guidance in this page is only for customers using PICS for Employability.
The Programme Start tab in the Participant Programme Summary shows various details relating to the start of the programme. The following details are shown, though any fields which have not yet been completed will not appear:
Start Status
Start date
Expected End date
Action Plan Agreed date
LLDDs – This will indicate if the participant considers themselves to have any learning difficulties or disabilities.
Primary LLDD
Editing Programme Start Information
Selecting Edit will open a window where you can edit the following details. Any fields you complete here will then be shown in the tab after saving.
Start Status – This is used to indicate whether the participant has definitely started their programme. The following statuses are available:
Not Yet Known
Did Not Start
Referred in Error
Action Plan Agreed date – Selecting this field will open a calendar date selector.
Start date – Selecting this field will open a calendar date selector.
Expected End date – Selecting this field will open a calendar date selector.
LLDD – You can search this field for any learning difficulties or disabilities that the participant considers themselves to have.
Primary LLDD – If you have added any items to the LLDD field, you can use this drop-down menu to choose which one is considered the primary LLDD.
Once you have finished, select Save to confirm your changes or Cancel to discard them.