Setting up an API User

Setting up an API User

The REST API is a charged module. Please contact PICS sales team to arrange access.

Please be aware API Users have full Administrator User permissions for your PICS Web tenant.

In order to successfully authenticate and utilise the REST API, a valid API User must first be created within your PICS Web tenant. There are no restrictions on the number of API Users that can be created and active on your PICS Web tenant at any one time.

API User Creation

In order to create an API User, first access Users & Permissions via Users and Access present at the bottom of the navigation panel.

Following this under the actions drop down - select Create API User


From here you’ll be asked to provide a name for the API User. Please enter a relevant name and click save.

The API User will be created and a password will be generated and presented.

The API User has now been successfully created. In order to successfully utilise the API. This user must now be authenticated.


API User Account Management & Password Reset


API Users are now present in the user type drop down, allowing for quick and easy filtering & access to API Users currently creating within your tenant.

In order to reset a password for an API user please locate their account using the filter provided. Once located click the 3 dots located to the right of the account (shown above).

From here click summary and you will be presented with the option to reset the API Users password

Clicking reset password will prompt a confirmation pop out to display. Please be mindful any interfaces using these credentials will need to be updated before they are able to authenticate and obtain an access token again.

If you are happy to proceed, please click reset and a new password will be generated. Following this please authenticate the user referencing their newly assigned API User Password. API User Authentication.