API User Authentication

API User Authentication

The REST API is a charged module. Please contact PICS sales team to arrange access.

Once an API User has been successfully created within your PICS Web Tennant. The user will need to be authenticated to allow you to utilise the Rest API.

For this example we’ll be demonstrating this using Postman but the same process applies to any API Platform that you utilise for this purpose.

Via your API Platform set up a POST call to your PICS Tenant API Address. This should follow the syntax detailed below:


Within the body, provide the API Users Username & Password. Press send to initiate the POST call.

If the POST call has been successful the API should return an authentication token. This token can then be utilised when sending any calls as this API User.

An example usage of the token in post man is as follows.

  1. Navigate to your request Authorization tab

  2. Select Bearer Token as the Type

  3. Enter the Token into the provided input

The token will expire after 24 hours and once you get a 401 Unauthorized, you will need to get a new token.

Please be aware, when updating any API Users password in your PICS Web Tennant, this authentication process will need to be repeated as a new token is required following the change of the users password.

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