The Applicants tab in the Organisation Summary lists all Applicants created from the organisation record. Details of applicants who are applying for placements at the organisation can be accessed by opening the relevant application from the Vacancies tab. For each applicant, the following details are shown:

Optional Applicant Fields

As well as the core applicant details, selecting the list icon will open a window where you can tick optional fields to display for each applicant in the list. After you have made your choices, select Save to refresh the page and add the chosen optional fields.

The following optional fields are available:


Filtering the Applicant List

The following searching and filtering options are available by default above the list. Once you have entered the necessary details, press Enter or select the Search icon to run the search and apply your filters.

Exporting the Applicant List

Selecting More shows an option to Export to Excel. Selecting this will generate an Excel Spreadsheet containing the details currently displayed in the list.

Creating a New Applicant

Selecting Create Applicant in the applicants tab will open a window where you can create a new applicant that will be linked to the organisation. In this window, you can first enter a First Name and Surname for the applicant.

Any potential matches for the applicant will be shown below these fields. Selecting the eye icon by a match will take you to the corresponding Applicant Summary.

After this, the following options are available:

Applicant Actions

The following actions are available from the applicant tab: