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Qualification plan profiles are used in the Planning tab in Funding Profile Summary to model funding for a specified number of planned starts on a certain Qualification Plan. Multiple qualification plan profiles can be used within a funding profile.
Before setting up a qualification plan profile, you will need to choose a Planned Starts Profile for the funding profile, as explained in the linked page.
Adding a qualification plan profile to a funding profile opens up the Planning tab, where you can start entering planned starts.
Adding a Qualification Plan Profile to a Funding Profile
When you open the Planning tab in a Funding Profile Summary, select the Qualification Plan Profile button to add or create a qualification plan profile.
This window will list any qualification plan profiles that have set up.
Once you have chosen your profile, select Select to add it to the Funding Profile Summary.
After adding a qualification plan profile, a warning will show in the Planning tab if any errors in the plan that might affect funding calculations have been identified. Select Show to open a list of the errors.
Creating a New Qualification Plan Profile
In the window above, you can also select Add New Qualification Plan Profile. Selecting this will open a window where you can choose which qualification plans to include in the selection:
All – This will make all qualification plans available to include in the profile.
With Actual Funding – This will only include qualification plans that are linked to learners that generate funding included in the Actual values in the Overall tab.
Once you have chosen, the following options are available:
Continue – This will take you to the next window.
Continue > Back – This will return you to the Select Qualification Plan Profile window shown above.
Cancel – This will take you back to the Funding Profile Summary with no qualification plan profile selected.
In the next window, you can choose the specific Qualification Plan you want to profile funding against.
Once you have chosen, the following options are available:
Save – This will save the new profile and add it to the Funding Profile Summary.
Save > Back – This will return you to the Create Qualification Plan Profile window shown above.
Cancel – This will take you back to the Funding Profile Summary with no qualification plan profile selected.
Changing the Qualification Plan Profile
Once you have added a qualification plan profile, you can use the Change button to open the Select Qualification Plan Profile window shown above.