9. How Organisation Contacts Access / Complete Target Scans

Organisation Contacts can access target scans assigned to their Applicants by logging into their PICS Web User account. If the Applicant has not been linked to an Organisation Contact / Officer please refer to our guidance on Creating Contact Logins for PICSWeb Officers

If no account has been created for the Contact please refer to our guidance on Creating Contact Logins for PICSWeb Officers.

With the Contact logged in. We’re presented with two views. Learner or Applicant. Click applicant and the linked applicant will display in this view.


Clicking the the more actions icon (3 dots) will allow us to view the summary for this applicant, where we can then access the target scope and also the target scan that may require our attention.

Clicking target scans will display all assigned target scans and their relative status and due date. Clicking the more actions icon (3 dots) will allow us to view the summary of this scan and if applicable give answers.

Inside the summary page for the target scan we’re presented with any answers given by other parties, as well as the option to provide our own answers.


Clicking add answers will display all KSB’s and their relative questions for this scan. For each KSB, select the answer most applicable to the applicants competency level and provide any further notes if relevant.

Once answers have been given to all questions in the Target scan, click save and your answers will be saved.

With the answers given we’ll see that status has been updated for this particular target scan.