Completing a Target Scan in PICSWeb Portfolio for Employers

This guidance is for employer representatives using PICSWeb Portfolio. As this system can be customised by the training provider, you may not have access to all of the areas described in this help. Please ask the training provider if you are experiencing any issues with the system.

PICSWeb can be used to complete target/skill scans to assess learners at different points in their programme.

The Target/Skills Scan icon in the Learner List will show if your input is required for any scans in the next two weeks.

Selecting Target/Skills Scan will open a window showing all scans that require your input. The Learner, Title and Due Date are shown for each scan.

Selecting Add Answers by a scan will open a window where you can choose the Stage you consider the learner to have reached for each Knowledge, Skill or Behaviour item. For each item you can also add any necessary Notes.

Once you are finished, select Save. The staff member at the training provider who created the scan will also be notified that you have submitted your answers.