Learner Reference Number
Unique Learner Number – If you are using LRS Integration, you can download the ULN for a learner in their LRS Details tab.
Programme Type
Apprenticeship Standard
Programme ACT
Programme Status
Programme Dates – If an actual end date has been recorded it will be displayed in green.
Start and End Type – In an end type has been recorded it will be displayed in green.
Learning Expected End date
Age at start of programme
Qualification Plan – Selecting this will open the relevant Qualification Plan Summary in PICSWeb configuration.
Main Qualification – Qualification Aim – Selecting this will open the relevant ILR Learning Aim Summary page. A full list of the qualifications included in the ILR can be found in the Learning Aims tab.
You can select the pencil icon by the Main Qualification Aim to choose a different Learning Aim to set as the main aim.