Info |
This feature is only available to customers with the AAF License enabled. |
We are aware of the possibility of data discrepancies when comparing AAF data present in PICS, with that being reported by the ESFA. We are working with them to ensure both parties reporting data adhere to the AAF specification. |
Warning |
Please be aware, the Apprenticeship Accountability Framework Report must be set up and scheduled to allow the button to be made available for the Apprenticeship Accountability Framework Dashboard |
The Apprenticeship Accountability Framework Report Template produces a list of Apprenticeship Records that meet the specified criteria for the Apprenticeship Accountability Framework
This table lists the implemented report outputs and their calculations.
Column Name | Data Type | Calculation notes |
Withdrawn | True / False | Completion status = 3 and aim end date is before the report date. |
Past Aim Planned End | True / False | Days Past Aim Planned End > 0 |
Days Past Aim Planned End | Numeric | If the aim is still in learning (Completion Status = 1) and the planned end date is before the report date, the number of days between the planned end date and today. If the aim is completed (Completion Status = 2) and the planned end date is before the end date, the number of days between the planned end date and the end date. |
Past Aim Planned End by more than 365 days | Boolean (True / False) | Days Past Aim Planned End > 365 |
Past Aim Planned End between 180 and 365 days | Boolean (True / False) | Days Past Aim Planned End between 180 and 365 (inclusive) |
Aim on Planned Break | Boolean (True / False) |
The restart rules are not defined in the AAF specification but are assumed to be the same as the QAR. |
Days on Planned Break | Numeric | Number of days between the end date and the report date. |
Aim on Planned Break for more than 365 days | Boolean (True / False) | Days on Planned Break > 365 |
Aim on Planned Break between 180 and 365 days | Boolean (True / False) | Days on Planned Break between 180 and 365 (inclusive) |
Blank End-point Assessment Organisation within 3 months of aim planned end date | Boolean (True / False) |
Blank End-point Assessment Organisation 3-6 months before aim planned end date | Boolean (True / False) |
No Planned OTJ Hours recorded | Boolean (True / False) | Planned Hours is null or zero. |
No Actual OTJ Hours recorded at Apprenticeship completion | Boolean (True / False) | The aim has an end date and Actual Hours for Off the Job Training is null or zero. |
Note |
Please be mindful when configure the Apprenticeship Accountability Framework Report template, this must be set as a scheduled report to refresh at an interval of your choice, this will be crucial when setting up your Apprenticeship Accountability Framework Report Dashboard. The same schedule must also be applied to a new or current QAR Report as QAR data will also be utilised in the AAF Dashboard. |
Count / Percentage Widget
A new chart type has been added to dashboard widgets to show a count or percentage. These can be linked to a single boolean (True / False) field and simply displays the number of records which are true, or the percentage of the total number which are true.
Info |
The Count Chart Type Must be linked to a boolean (True / False) field. |
When selecting a target column, all indicators present in the Apprenticeship Accountability Framework Report will come through. Selecting the relevant Target column will populate the widget with the chosen column data. Learners past aim planned end date has been selected in this example below.
The widget displays the widget title, the requested number/percentage in the centre, the current threshold (see below) and the numbers which comprise the total. Clicking on either number will show the list of aims for that number. In conjunction with thresholds, these widgets can be used to display the AAF indicators on an “at a glance” dashboard when used alongside AAF and QAR reports.
For guidance on creating a AAF Dashboard please refer to our Apprenticeship Accountability Framework Report Dashboard article.